Dragon Ball EX Mugen Game Download and Gameplay

Dragon Ball EX Mugen Game Download and Gameplay

Info di Gioco

Nome Screenpack: MUGEN Battle ClimaX

Autore Screenpack: V-Nix

Video GamePlay

Info Personaggi

Totale personaggi 35:

  1. Android17_EX
  2. GokuMigatteFull_EX
  3. VegetaUltraBlue_EX
  4. Jiren_EX
  5. Kefla_EX
  6. Vermouth_EX
  7. GogetaSSJ_EX
  8. GogetaSS4_EX
  9. VegettoSSB_EX
  10. Bills_EX
  11. Goku_EX
  12. Vegeta_EX
  13. Gohan_EX
  14. Krilin_EX
  15. Piccolo_EX
  16. Gotenks_EX
  17. Trunks_EX
  18. Bardock_EX
  19. Turles_EX
  20. Freeza_EX
  21. Cell_EX
  22. Hitto_EX
  23. Caulifla_EX
  24. Black_EX
  25. Broly_EX
  26. KidBuu_EX
  27. MetalCooler_EX
  28. MaskedSaiyan_EX
  29. VegetaMajin_EX
  30. GokuSS3_EX
  31. VegetaSSB_EX
  32. BlackSSR_EX
  33. Tapion_EX
  34. Vegetto_EX
  35. ZamasuCorrupted_EX

I credits possono essere letti tutti all’ interno di ciascun file .Def.

Info Stages

Totale Stages 18:

  1. Artic
  2. AsteroidBattlefield
  3. BardockStage
  4. BurningCity
  5. CellGames
  6. ChikaraTournament
  7. ChikaraTournamentII
  8. DesertMountain
  9. DestroyedCity
  10. GokuVsGohan
  11. HerculeCity
  12. Hope
  13. KaioPlanet
  14. Namek
  15. TestRoom
  16. TimeChamber
  17. TournamentArena
  18. Vert

I crediti per gli stage possono essere letti all’interno dei file .def

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Author: Mugenation

Passionate M.U.G.E.N for over 20 years.

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